Information about Lock It 

The programm L ock It is the program for the creation and validation of electronic signatures of documents which are encapsulated to the XML, PDF, ZIP or MIME formats and which are signed by the CMS/PDF/XML AdES BES/EPES and Time-Stamp (Advanced Electronic Signatures). The formats like ZEP f are defined in standards for the electronic signature by the National Security Authority (NSA) of the Slovak Republic on the page:

This program can be used for creation of AdES based on qualified certificates.

  Lock It supports for signature creation:
    Hash algorithms: SHA256 or RFC 5832 GOST R 34.11-94
    Signature algorithms: RSA (PKCS1-v1.5 or PSS) or ECDSA or RFC 5832 GOST R34.10-2001 

  Lock It supports for signature validation:
   Public key algorithms: RSA, DSA, ELGAMAL, GOST_R3410_1994, EC, ECDSA, DH, SRP, ECDH, GOST_R3410_2001
   Hash algorithms: SHA1, MD5, MD2, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA224, MD4, RIPEMD160, GOST_R3411_1994

The private key is stored on:
    Smart cards or USB tokens where the interface is through PKCS#11;
    soft token PKCS#12, PFX
    or MS crypto API.

The main advantage of Lock It is the simplicity of the usage. This advantage is because Lock It does not need to be installed and you can use it directly from any device like USB, CD-ROM or hard disk


The program requires: Windows

Mac OS X, Unix - Linux; FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat, SUSE, Mandriva, Slackwar, PC-BSD,  OpenSolaris and Solaris through e.g. Wine - Free implementation of Windows on Unix or VirtualBox


Supported formats of containers: XML enveloped, PDF, ASig-S, ZEPf and TXT UTF8 document (integrity signature)

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